Sunday, April 24, 2011

My Joy Has Roots

You cannot steal my joy because
My joy is rooted in the knowledge that
I come from the land where civilization was born
My joy has the strength of a continent long desired
for its beauty and bountiful gifts
You cannot steal my joy because your hatred comes
from your own insecurities of your self imposed inferiority
To the wisdom, strength, and capacity for love that my ancestors
Passed down to me, my legacy
You cannot steal my joy because my joy is rooted in a beauty
That is lasting and strong enough to mix with any blood
And still pass it on to many generations
My joy is rooted in creation, revolution, resilience, and love
My joy is ethereal, omnipotent, merciful, and terrible
You cannot steal my joy with your worldly schemes and
Wicked devices because they are powerless to my joy
If you would just accept my love and allow yourself
To love me the same way I love you, we could
Change the color of sunsets and set the world on a new axis
But you are determined to steal my joy in all of your jealousy
Well I have a secret for you, my joy is immovable, because
My joy has roots.

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