Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Dying from Consumption

They‘re all dying of consumption
But the disease was not in their lungs
No bacteria caused the dysfunction
It was the bling that had them sprung

They were consumed with getting things
Most of which they couldn’t afford
Cars, clothes, diamond rings
Gadgets never left them bored

They were consumed by the wanting
Of things someone else had
The obsession was quite haunting
Since those things were merely fads

I watched them waste from this disease
As life faded from their eyes
They couldn’t get enough to please
And the wanting they despised

Consumption is highly contagious
And very hard to cure
Purchases become outrageous
Bills are too much to endure

And in the final days
Surrounded by their useless stuff
Those moments of bliss are a haze
I hope they finally got enough

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